We only have what we give.

We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give

We envision a world in which every person – regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, class, lineage, age, sexuality, or geographical nationality – enjoys equal human rights and equal opportunity to thrive and develop to the greatest extent of their individual talent and ambition. We as not for profit organization committed to organizing and sponsoring programs in parts of India, promoting community involvement, education, tolerance, and a healthy non-violent lifestyle.

All funds generated will be used to benefit the needy, poor and for the one who lacks any basic needs. While commonly regarded from an economic perspective, poverty doesn’t simply mean a lack of money. It can be a poverty of a shelter, a poverty of health, a poverty of education or a poverty of any other basic need.

Causes we care about

The secret of living is giving

Time for nature

“CARE FOR NATURE. SAVE THE FUTURE.” Environment is the nature and surroundings in which all plants, animals, humans and other living beings live and operate. Every living and non-living thing is related to environment. … Environment also provides us with several other natural resources that are very important. Ten Simple Things You Can Do to…

Fight hunger and starvation

“LETS HUNGER DIE NOT HUNGRY” Today, chronic hunger affects 1 in every 8 or 9 people – about 795 million people worldwide. But with so many people going hungry daily, hunger is still a huge problem. Hunger causes immense suffering and sometimes death. The dead are most commonly young children – thousands every day, year…

Fulfill basic need

“THERE IS NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, MORE IMPORTANT THAN MEETING OUR DAILY BASIC NEEDS” The basic needs approach is one of the major approaches to the measurement of absolute poverty in developing countries. It attempts to define the absolute minimum resources necessary for long-term physical well-being, usually in terms of consumption goods. A need is something…

Education to poor

“A CHILD WITHOUT EDUCATION IS LIKE A BIRD WITHOUT WINGS” Education transforms children’s lives by helping them overcome poverty. This leads to better health and increased income opportunities. Without it, many children remain trapped in a life of poverty and hardship. India is fourth among the top 10 nations with the highest numbers of out-of…

If you can’t Feed a hundred people then feed just one

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